
Nathalia Braga is Brazilian and graduated as Bachelor (BSc.) in Architecture and Urban Planning in 2009. Following that became a Master (MSc.) in Architecture and Urban Planning in 2013 studying the environmental performance of buildings. Worked in the Architecture industry in Brazil for 8 years (for Public and Private sectors) and lectured at Architectural Faculty for almost 2 years in her home town, Natal. Became Australian Resident in 2017 where she currently works and lives, in Brisbane (QLD) to be more specific. Finally, accomplished the Australian Citizenship in 2022. Passionate about design in general, people, photography, coffee, music and yoga. She strongly believes that design can change people’s lives.

This blog has the intent to present and analyse, in a simple and accessible way, the Australian, and also Asia-Pacific Architecture, and design in general (including Urban Design, Public Art, Interiors Design, etc.), under a Brazilian perspective, considering the similarities and differences between the involved cultures and how they are revealed through design practice using the author’s architectural knowledge and professional background. You can also find some of the projects the author got involved in Australia and in Brazil. We hope you enjoy this journey!

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